Friday, August 9, 2013

Time to Take This Show on the School

So, it's Back to School time!  Panic and chaos are constant.  Teachers everywhere hope its just a dream and we'll awake and its really just the 2nd week of June.  But, nope.  This is reality!

In the name of loveliness, I decided to add a little of it to my classroom.  For months, my teacher friends have been talking about making banners using book jackets.  I walked into their rooms this week and....follow through! They have the banners up and they're BEAUTIFUL!  I have also been talking about it...but haven't done it!  SHOCKER! Not, so much!  I'm kind of a procrastinator.  Any of my kind out there?! Can I get an amen?  BUT, I said, "procrastination will not get me this time!"

First, I gathered my book jackets.  Many are from books in my classroom.  Others are left from an awesome librarian friend who used to mail them to me from Orlando.  Yes, Charlene, I still have some left. 

The next step was to glue the jacket together.  I would not have thought to do this.  Meghan from A Carry-on and a Camera (one of the teachers I was talking about earlier) suggested the idea.  And I'm glad I did!  It looks much neater. 

Then for the fun part...HOT GLUE!  I LOVE using hot glue guns!  I don't know why.  Maybe its the smell.  Maybe its the fact that for so many years of my life it was a "grown-up" tool and now I'M a "grown-up."  But, whatever the reason, its one of my favorite crafty tools to use. 

Anyone else have a favorite go-to item???....double-sided tape, sharpies, rubber cement....???  I'd love to hear about it!

So, hot-glued the back of each book jacket to ribbon (left-over from my wedding over a year ago...we have ribbon coming out of our ears here at home!  Hey, maybe ribbon is your thing!)

And that was pretty much it!  The banner or bunting....I read that somewhere.  Bunting sounds fancier!  Here is the finished product:

 I'm so loving the way the bunting turned out!  As you can see, I made 3 smaller sections instead of one long strip.  I'm loving the little bit of beauty I added to my classroom.  Maybe this will make me more excited for school to start....or maybe not!  Either way, its pretty and it makes me smile!  And teacher-bonus....maybe it will get my kiddos excited to read those books!